Remember the "big thing" which i have always wanted to do in my previous entry?Well, its FINALLY confirm.After 4 years, i finally RESIGN.It feels so good!!Of course there is a better offer.Kalau tak,nak resign buat pe kan...30th April will be my last day.I can't wait!!
Let's talk about Haylie.I got her a purple "BUMBO".But of course, being babies they still prefer to be carried rather than sit.She looks happy but after putting her on it few times, she starts to get bored i think.
Balik umah, bukak baju,i make her sit there right away.
Happy pulak si cute ni...
Lepas pakai baju, she still maintain happy.
Than,i tink i push my limit, she started crying,shouting dah boring agaknye..
She trick me into picking her up, she started smiling..So the glory of the $69.90bumbo + 1 excited mummy lasted for less than few hours.